Thursday, November 13, 2008

Day Off

I took the day off yesterday. I needed it badly. It was what I call a "mental health day". I am totally, absolutely exhausted right now. I just want to sleep my life away. Of course, with that, I am eating really awfully and not exercising. It's a combination of a lot of things in my life right now which lead me to get quite overwhelmed at times. You know how it is, changes at work, financial issues, working hard at your job, trying to keep up a house, pets and the like. Thank goodness I don't have any children of my own as they'd be sadly neglected right now.

I took the day off and well sort of relaxed. I slept in which was really a nice treat! I slept in until almost 9 oclock which is quite amazing for me really! I did some school planning. It was funny because hubby came into my room shaking his head at me, "You took the day off to do school work he asked?". Yes, as sad as it is. I'm feeling incredibly unorganized right now and I have Parent-Teacher interviews coming up and a Student Teacher coming to observe so I'd like to feel a little less....scattered.

I am so feel so tired and overwhelmed lately that I'm doing really dumb things. I'm forgetting appointments, I threw the kitchen sink stopper in the garbage, ..that kind of stuff. Weird for me. And I'm feeling sooooo tired.

Then it hit me, I grabbed my bloodwork from early September. I looked at my levels again, and saw how I was borderline anemic yet again. All my ranges were in the normal range but right at the border of normal. Then I thought.....well in September, my cycle went nuts and I had a full month plus of a cycle. It made me think about the loss and I'm willing to bet that it sent my iron levels down again and I bet that I'm anemic yet again. So I've decided to get back on an iron supplement. If this doesn't do the trick, I'll get my labs done yet again.

I hope this feeling can go away. I'm just so tired. I'm hardly on the computer. Just in front of the television lately, wanting to rest or taking a nap. Hardly the good life of a 38 year old lady. Let's hope this iron thing resolves itself and I feel better in a few weeks. I think last time it took me a good 3-4 weeks to feel better. Fingers crossed.


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