Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A New Year

It's almost time to bid adieu to the year 2008. Time to almost usher in 2009.

Every year we talk about New Years Resolutions. I'll tell you mine. I want to get back to being the fit athlete that I was in 2007. While I'm at a decent weight, I've found that I've gotten much to slack on myself with my exercise. The point of getting into exercise for me has not been about losing weight but about being healthy.

The statistics show that you can be a normal weight and not be healthy. I see people all the time at goal bragging about how they are at goal and don't need to exercise. It is very possible that you can be at your goal weight and have a heart attack or a stroke. Shocking but true.

Thin People Might Be Fat on the Inside

When I first started with my WLS journey, I was exercising like a mad woman. In the last year, I have really slipped off course and yes, I can tell that I have.

It's amazing how easily tired I can get now since I'm not as vigilant with myself as I should be. I feel "fat" again and am definitely a bit more lumpier and bumpier than I was a year ago. I am easily a lot more tired. I can barely do 2 miles on my treadmills on some days when before I could easily do 3-4 miles.

It's not that I'm getting "fat" but rather, that I'm getting "unfit" again. It transcends itself in most ways - especially in my perception of me. I feel fat again. I see in the mirror the old "fat me" because I feel like a bump on a log again.

So my goal for 2009 will be to get my butt back to the gym more often or in the last to do more treadmill work outs and hopefully, perhaps, get to jogging which I have been trying to do forever but have pretty much given up on.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Before making a dicision of doing surgery, try weight loss methods from this site: http://1loseweightfast.com/